My One Word: HEALTH
It encompasses everything that I desire, want, or need…to be healthier: physically, socially, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, personally, and financially. I have been in the process of a complete lifestyle makeover, by taking baby steps through the last 1/4 of 2014, now proceeding through the entire year of 2015. Life is a beautiful gift, and I want to be able to enjoy it, as much as I possibly can. Mindfulness, furthering my education/career, making new friends/being a better one, living virtuously, exercising/clean intake, decreasing electronics, spending more time outdoors, taking daily adventures, volunteering, renewing my faith, writing, hobbies, group/organization activities, no more revisiting old haunts/habits, forgiving, forgetting, looking towards the future, and living well along the way. To be how God intended me to be, by being the best me possible 🙂