Bring the Flow
October 13, 2014
My first journal entry in 2004 was a single word: FLOW. Not just written on the page, but etched in bubble letters about 3/4 of an inch tall. The letters are heavily outlined, surrounded by a...
My first journal entry in 2004 was a single word: FLOW. Not just written on the page, but etched in bubble letters about 3/4 of an inch tall. The letters are heavily outlined, surrounded by a...
Join us on October 23! In almost any performance review or job interview, you will be asked, “What do you see yourself doing in 5 years?” Or perhaps, “What are your 12...
Everyone in your church is hoping to change. Each January, in particular, we’re all thinking about it. The promise of God is that He can and will change us. He’s faithful to complete the work...
Welcome to the My One Word journey. Since 2007, this project has helped thousands of individuals move beyond broken promises of the past towards a brighter hope of who God created them to be. The...
Stories are huge when it comes to our faiththey inspire, they give hope, they speak of redemption. By reflecting Christs character through your One Word a story is being told to others. Its a tale...
Without something that prompts us to move, we will gradually drift back to our old ways. Slowly things will return to status quo. In terms of our personal growth, reminders enable new habits to...
On Thursday, the Christian radio network K-Love highlighted My One Word on their radio broadcast and website. Excitement was buzzing through the air as staff members at PC3 huddled around laptops...