Join us on October 23!



In almost any performance review or job interview, you will be asked, “What do you see yourself doing in 5 years?” Or perhaps, “What are your 12 month goals?”

The most important thing you can know about those you lead is who they hope to become.

As small group leaders and pastors, we’ve been given a unique opportunity to lead people. To lead them not just to achieve 12 month goals or a 5 year plan, but to lead them to become the kind of person they have been created by God to be.


When people pick a word for the year, you have insight into the thing you most need to know to lead them well – their vision, and the current great hope for their life.

You can tell so much about what is happening in someone’s heart from just ONE WORD.


The practice of My One Word is a simple but powerful tool. It helps people focus on the condition of their heart. It helps them affect God-directed personal change. And it promotes conversations that matter. But we’ve found in our church that it’s also a foundational tool in the discipleship process.


That’s precisely why we urge you to lead your church through the My One Word process.


Last year we had about 100 churches join the webinar and leverage this concept in their congregations. And we’ve heard great feedback from them regarding the popularity and effectiveness of this simple tool for spiritual growth.

I have seen this work in my own life, in the life of our church, and our church’s staff. I now ask about my staff’s one word journey in my performance reviews, and we use it in the interview process for various leadership positions around our church as well.


At noon on October 23, 2014, we will be hosting a My One Word webinar to help you lead your church through the My One Word process in 2015. {Register HERE.} This year the webinar will discuss using My One Word not just from the stage in sermons, and not just in small groups with the book and DVD, but also in discipleship and leadership development – across the table or desk.


My co-author women’s leader Rachel Olsen, fellow pastor Danny Rogers, myself and others will be sharing how to implement this powerful tool throughout your church and how to empower your key leaders to lead the process. I am really excited to share some of what we are learning about its impact on the discipleship process.


my one word book with bible


What excites me the most about this webinar is the opportunity we have to learn from each other, so I would invite you to share this with other pastors/leaders in your network – invite them to register for the webinar, check out a copy of the book, or watch some of the My One Word sermons free online.


I am humbled and honored at how God’s been using My One Word as part of His formation process in the lives of His people across the country and the world. I hope you will make plans to join us as we empower people to do something about one thing in 2015.


– Mike Ashcraft, Senior Pastor at Port City Community Church