I chose perseverance because it will benefit every area of my life. My health, my business, etc. I have had a very difficult time with staying consistent in accomplishing my goals.
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More Who Picked: perseverance
I choose perseverance as my one word for 2021; because what I’m trying to accomplish is something that’s never been… Read More
I want to get better at perseverance.
I chose this word because for my life situation far as not finishing school and being where I don’t want to be in my… Read More
I am so good at starting stuff. I can’t seen to persevere through the tough times. I have so many areas of my life I… Read More
to finish what i start no matter how hard
So far my year has been full of trials, I am constantly reminded that God is allowing me to continue towards my goals… Read More
I really thought focus would be my word, I do daily journal entries: day one I told myself focus was my word. I… Read More
I want to remember that my illness and circumstances can be overcome and I can persevere if I stay focused on Jesus.
Because that’s what the person who I know I can become is like, and the most definite way to achieve one’s dreams is to… Read More
I want to stay the course in all areas of my life. I don’t want to give up so easily. I want to persevere despite my… Read More
I am working on a number of unfinished projects that I have determined to finish each year for way to long.
I need to learn to follow through and stick with things when the going gets tough.
I am a student & new mommy who tends to go all out for my family, not so much myself. I have problems starting and… Read More
This could be a very tough year for me.. I will need God’s Strength and Perseverance not to give up or cave in.
I want to follow through with every aspect of my life. I get stared on one task without completing it. I start a new… Read More
The word I chose is perseverance. I feel like there are many things I need to apply this to in my life. I want to… Read More
Because I need to finish the journey I have started. To stop restarting every time I slip up or make a mistake It’s… Read More
Finishing up college and working toward job for future and future life – I must persevere!
A quality that I need to work on in all areas of my life: spiritual walk, work, projects at home…
I want to keep going with things even when those things get hard.