My One Word: Focus
I have multiple things going at once-whether at home or work. I have a list of things (internally) that I want to do yet I find myself over and over again distracted by little things. I am only motivated by deadlines to do something. And yet, it drives me crazy. I tend to be on the internet too much. Playing games, reading blogs, facebook, twitter….at the same time. add in watching TV and you have this person who feels scattered and never gets anything done. I don’t actually focus on one thing at a time. I lose track of time, days go by with very little notice. They all blend together.
This year, I want focus. I want to stay focused on what I am doing at all times. Staying In the Moment. I need to start and continue a project_ Or anything_ until the end without starting 5 different thigs. I need to focus on one thing-read a book, complete a task, talk to my husband and not scatter myself everywhere, I need to live my life in the moment. Focised on right now. on what I am doing.