My One Word: Still
I tend to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life… trying to do more, be more, live more, but I wind up depleted and struggling with why. I chose STILL because I need/want to spend more time and energy being still at the feet of God, focused on who He is and who I cannot be without Him. My inner storm needs to be calmed. In seeking Stillness, I know life will be more focused, and I can focus on what God truly wants for me and from me, rather than continue in the whirlpool of trying to tell God what those things should be. I also like the aspect of STILL that means constant and abiding. He is my strong tower, never failing, always present. I will be STILL in His presence; He will be constant in my life. This will allow me to be calm and ever-present in the lives He intends for me to be. The Lord will fight for you, you need only be STILL. Exodus 14:14