My One Word: Presence
Well, I’ve been learning to walk with God, rely on him for illumination of my path, be content in all circumstances, employ His Power in Spiritual Warfare, so now…as I consider making a career move I really want His Direction. But I’ve wanted that for years, so when I read that being in His presence is more important than getting His direction, that resonated with me. If I make room to enter into his presence and focus on this every day, then I’ll certainly get His direction. It made me realize that I don’t have to be fearful that I”ll make the “wrong” decision. I’ll just make a decision, be in His presence, surrender to His guidance and all will be well. “All things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose.” I can’t just freeze and wait for direction to be written in the sky, I must realize that all days and decisions will work for my good as long as I stay continually in His PRESENCE. PRESENCE is my word for 2013!