My One Word: dwell
Praise God! He whispered the word ‘dwell’ to me in my sleep. I had prayed, the night before, asking Him to give me one word for 2014. That’s when He began opening my eyes to my true condition…
I’m not sure what exactly what set it off. Although, there was a series of events involving loss. Either way, sometime back, I began withdrawing protectively from life. It crept slowly- from outside events, to church involvement, to hospitality in my home, to interaction with my family, ultimately into a withering spiritual life.
Ephesians 3;13-21 and 2:19-22 (NIV)
Because of my relationship with Christ, God is my Father. I need to dwell in that relationship. When I root and establish myself in Him (He is love), I will know and be filled with a measure of the fullness of God and Christ will dwell more fully in me. My life will be strengthened and empowered by the Spirit to share this love with others- along with my family, through our home, and as members of His household, the living church, being built together for His Spirit to dwell.
Dwell with God in…
personal relationship,
my marriage,
our family,
our home (hospitality),
our church body.
In doing so, I will naturally share His love with others, bring glory to Him, and live in purpose.