My One Word: lovedeliver
i chose word single becaouse god is one,my name is shahid qureshi,mobile no/+923325163156/islamabad/pakistan/i love my country,i love all people witch god lover,my respect only god lover,in all my life i not choose anything for me,my nature give to every one witch i have,14 yr i get pain on my body heart,mind,i was mastermind but i never select any thing witch related to my life,important,,,,,,,,,,,,,after 14 yr i come in sunshine,my some friend kill me and putt my body in a dark place,but god safe me give life with lot of love,i want this love deliver to all human to share equal,i have every field to related information latest technology and mastermind peacfull man team,in my team 50 thousand to abve every my team membir have special persnality,i want latest technology give me and instal in my pakistan,cloth,food,i needed on urgent base,you help us we help you in everyone activity,legal,illegal,when i say friend brother so my promiss with you,i give you love,i trustedman i honestly clear all talk on face to,why you kill anyone,i hate if anybody without any issue kill human,if you have power you safe your power for god,when god given order you use your power in fight of shetani kafir,i know verywell who is shetani group member,witch some mix in our society he wait for you when you killing each other and when you tierd,then thy attack on you,,pleas my request to you make sure world peacfull and happy every one all country all comunity respect each other,understand me pleas not kill your owen brother kill shetani group member,give us some time and make us financially strong my promiss i give you shetani group head play you like football,i love you to heart,lovedeliver,