My One Word: SOFTEN
My mantra of the past fews years has been “suck it up, get over it, and move on!” While that is not a negative philosophy to live by, I have realized that I have allowed life circumstances and negative interactions w/people and chaos and junk and stuff… to slowly but surely “color” me and my responses to the life happenings of others. Because I believe we should not wallow in circumstances and woes with self-pity and endless chatter about it–because I do believe in “suckitupgetoveritandmoveon”– I find myself… NOT uncaring at all for I am a caring, deeply “empathetic” person…. I guess I find myself neutral and only allowing a SURFACE level response to most everything, with even tears becoming more difficult to form. My protective shell guards my heart but also limits my heart connecting with others. I need to be SOFTENed for I am in ministry for Christ and my effectiveness can become compromised.