My One Word: Bounty
From: Plaid Honeybee
I didn’t pick this word. God put it in my head when I was asked at my small group to choose one word for the year.
It made me cry, because I have been feeling for the past several years that I was living off the crumbs from the Master’s table (See Matthew 15:27 & Mark 7:28). I have giving my all for Him, and He has been stripping me of so much that is precious to me. I have let go of so much: My home, job, family, friends, ministry…
As soon as this word came to my mind, I heard the Lord add, “No more crumbs for you; this year I am giving you a feast!” So now I am waiting expectantly to see what that word will mean in my life. It is more of a promise than an assignment. Meanwhile, I continue to seek His face and serve Him, as always.