My One Word: Wise
I see wisdom as living up to what I know. I know a lot of things-about health, use of time, the Bible. But a lot of the time, I don’t act on my knowledge. So then it is nothing more than good information. The verse that most speaks to me about this is Ephesians 5:15, 16a from the AMP version:
“Be careful then how you walk. Live purposefully . . . not as the unwise and witless but as wise, sensible, intelligent people, making the most of the time.”
I don’t want to be a witless person! I want to live purposefully, not letting my life drift away in front of the TV or playing Solitaire on my iPad. I want to be a wise, sensible, intelligent person who lives a life worthy of her calling in Christ Jesus, making the most of the time and opportunities God gives me to please and to serve Him.