My One Word: Humility
It was an Ahhhaaaa moment……!!
After listening to Christian radio, then going to church and listening to mike about picking a word, then listening to more Christian radio. I came across a program concerning, failures in life, and why these failures have occurred. it discussed finding your fault with these situations. I thought….I have so many its hard to count:)
They continued to discuss, that God will pursue you for his purpose, the more he loves you. He will cause much pain, both emotional financial and even physical, in order to get your attention.
Then I thought…..This is getting good! At this point in my life I have failures, piling on top of failures coming from all directions, I thought this it’s the Devil at all this is God trying to get my attention.
I then went walking on the beach, and asked myself, how could these failures be my fault when I always acted, good, and did the right thing despite, what I was feeling sometimes.
I couldn’t understand how these failures were my fault….when I tried so hard to a;ways do the right thing in all my failures?
Then it dawned on me! It was not really my fault on the surface…it was an unconscious decision concerning some deep routed paradigms about life in general.
Next I thought what could be the sin? I was a good guy, and I did not deserve this fate?
Then I thought, about the failures, and what was the common thread, that could be causing me to sin without knowing it. What were these failures, as painful as they were, what were they SCREAMING TO ME.????
THEN IT DAWNED ON ME……………….the sin was………. ” PRIDE” , it was strongly woven into my every decision and it warped my perception of reality, in more ways then I could imagine .
The answer was getting more obvious as I thought about the way I filter my life’s perceptions.
Sure, enough, the more I failed since a kid the more I dug in, determined to win, to feel successful. As the failures plied up, I dug in deeper…..until I finally no choice but to I submit in this late life.
Getting back to word, I thought well what is the opposite of pride?
HUMILITY……is my word.