My One Word: STILL
With CFS/Fibro, I’d learnt about pacing; especially as my career was a movement based one in dance. I’d lost my babies, my partner. I thought I’d learnt about stillness being found in the quiet presence of the Lord. It seemed all I could really give was love. When I was in a car accident and received serious injuries, then physical stillness was enforced at a much deeper and tortuous level in many ways. The Lord had warned me not to get in to the car that night…I’d resisted, but felt under pressure – why do I cave! Why wasn’t I stronger? I know the answers in my head, but they need to filter! I found ways to pray and still create with what limited use was left. When – barring a miracle – it became clear that I would mostly be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life; another journey began. I hope at the end of the year to find deeper confidence in what the Lord tells me, trust in His perfect presence, and so I hope to be still, inside