My One Word: forgiveness
I chose this word for many reasons. I have had some really bad things happen to me in my past that were at the hands of others(as I am sure most of us have). In the past few years I have felt the bitterness of those things begin to fill my heart and mind and spirit. Don’t get me wrong I have forgiven those who have wronged me. The problem is I have forgiven them by the world’s standards, not God’s. God’s forgiveness shows us that when we forgive that the debt of that wrong should be canceled. The forgiveness I have given has not included the cancellation of the debt. I have been holding on to the memory of the wrong doing so that when that person wrongs me again I attach the hurt and anger from the last wrong doing to it, and I give them a double dose of it. That means of course that I have a double dose of the hurt and anger in my heart, mind and soul as well. It has become a slippery slope that I now find I can not control.