May 17, 2023
This time of year is a waypoint of sorts. January is a little dot in our rear view mirror and summer is on the horizon. It’s an opportunity to check in on our words now they’ve had the chance...
This time of year is a waypoint of sorts. January is a little dot in our rear view mirror and summer is on the horizon. It’s an opportunity to check in on our words now they’ve had the chance...
My first journal entry in 2004 was a single word: FLOW. Not just written on the page, but etched in bubble letters about 3/4 of an inch tall. The letters are heavily outlined, surrounded by a...
My Word for 2013 is SHAPE. It has been quite a journey with this word so far this year. I have enjoyed it, and loathed it. I’ve prayed about it, journaled about it, and...
Journaling is the most powerful tool I’ve found for paying attention to my heart, and to God’s work in my life. I am convinced that our struggle to see God at work in our lives...
I’m assuming you want to change something about yourself – your character, your default patterns or reactions. That’s likely why you are doing My One Word. You want to be...
Last week was especially difficult. I had to write a funeral service for a young mother of two.Бизон The honor of preaching a funeral in such tragic circumstances is among the most precious...
Perspective: the appearance to the eye of objects in respect to their relative distances and positions A few weeks ago I was blessed with the opportunity to spend an entire afternoon alone in New...
Your Word is not just a promise that you must keep or else you will fail. It is more about the process of formation than a destination in which you will be holy. This is an interesting...
Thermostats are pretty important but easy to ignore. If you’re reasonably comfortable you don’t even think about it. Thermostats are pretty simple: they have a sensor, a comparator and...
Yesterday my oldest daughter came face to face with one of her biggest fears: the fireman pole at the local playground. This contraption has caused great distress and fear in her life for the...