I’ve been aware of OneWord for a couple of years, caught inklings of it from the writing networks I belong to. Abandoning New Year’s resolutions was not a difficult sell. I’ve not been very good at making or keeping them. But I have tried to be more intentional in recent years about setting goals—writing goals especially. And though I have not achieved all of them, I’ve made enough progress to realize that talking the time to take stock of where I am professionally, identify where I’d like to be and set some markers along that road is a valuable investment of my time and effort.
So I gave the OneWord concept a bit more thought this year. And without trying to be facetious, I’ve settled on word as my word.
I have multiple applications in mind.
First, Word as in “the Word became flesh” (John 1:14 ). The first chapter of John’s gospel is one of my favorite passages. As one devoted to communicating well (and helping others do so), I appreciate that the Word was not only present at creation, but that all things came into being through the words that God spoke. And through the Word made flesh, God buys back (redeems) his broken creatures.
I love the way Eugene Peterson describes the incarnation. “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.” In choosing Word as my OneWord focus my prayer is that I will not only allow the Word to dwell more fully in me, but that his words would also flow from me. Words that encourage, engage, inspire. Gracious, loving, truth-filled words.
I want my words to count—both my speech and writing. I want to earn my way with my words. I want to be taken seriously as a writer and editor. I believe that will happen when I let the Word have its way with me. When I walk that tightrope of trust, step out in faith and write regardless of the consequences. Write and trust the Word to use my words for his glory.
Latest Entry For: word
From: yankeewoman
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