My One Word this year is SEASONED. Colossians 4:6 says: Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. In the Greek, seasoned literally means to season, make savory. Metaphorically, it means full of wisdom and grace and hence pleasant and wholesome.
See, I’m a blunt kind of gal who doesn’t play games or sugar coat things. I have opinions, I like to share them, and I like to be right. I’m not happy when things don’t go as I planned. I don’t always have a pleasant tone of voice. For someone who doesn’t always think long enough before she speaks, this word seasoned seems daunting at best. Last year my word was LOVE, and I’d like to think I learned to love God and others a little better. Hopefully, that love can create a better way to say things, a gentler and wiser way to respond. Maybe there will be times when I should just shut it and be quiet, but I think most of the time it’s just thinking and choosing to say things in a more positive tone or wording. Words mean things and they are powerful. God spoke them and the universe came into being. Our words are indicative of where our hearts are, and they can either build people up or tear them down. I want to respond, not react. I don’t want regrets and fighting and anger. I want all of my conversations to be seasoned with God’s love and His word, and wisdom that comes from Him.