Last year was a year full of change for me. I lost a friendship, could not recognize who of our mutual friends weren’t angry with me and dealt with my asperger’s son’s social problems. It was a very lonely year.
However, it was also a very productive and life altering year. I went to counseling, spent a lot of time alone but discovered that I had friends all along, just not where I expected. I started Weigh Watchers at the beginning of the year. I am going to write again and I have a new outlook, a new way of thinking. I’m a little less open but that’s ok. I’m a little less inhibited and that’s ok too; I know my own boundaries.
This year I am going to repurpose myself and my life. This means that I will let God change me and not argue. I will allow God to point me to new friends or at least deepen friendships with the ones I still have. I will allow those quirky likes and hobbies to let me meet new friends and anticipate that I will, rather than worry that I won’t.
I’m not getting any younger. My kids are teenagers and I am on the cusp of a new season of life. I am ready to be repurposed.