My one word this year is Guard. To Guard is to watch over, to protect, to control access to, and to take precations and be prepared for difficulties that we encounter. My verse is Prov. 4:23;” In all else, GUARD your heart, for EVERYTHING you do flows from it.” I feel God has lead me to the word Guard, to guard my heart, my attitude, and my mouth. To be prepared against difficult situations. Often in my speech, I have spoken too quickly, too harsh or too frustrated to those I love. So keeping Guard as my word, I will be “on guard” with my heart, guarding my actions, my words, my attitude. I will be guarding the things I allow in and out of my mouth, mind, and heart. This will be a growing year for me, one I look forward too and am excited in this Godly experience and exercise of the heart, mind and spirit.
Latest Entry For: guard
From: Vivian
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