My one word is DOG. In searching for my one word this year, Mike’s message that “Change has to come from the inside out, not the outside in..from a change of heart, a change of posture” rang true. All these many years I’ve tried to change my “outside” behaviors, thoughts, habits etc. I had it all backwards. I wanted my one word to be “God” but that seemed silly. Then I remembered my little nephew 20 some years ago blurting out “Oh my DOG!!” (He meant: ‘Oh my GOD!’) We all laughed and it stuck. To this day my 85 year old mother still says “Oh my Dog!” And that’s when I knew what my word would be. “DOG” When I see my word, it will be a reminder to me not to get it backwards this time. Posture/focus my heart from the right place, with God, from the inside out, and the rest will follow. DOG.
Latest Entry For: dog
From: KristineC
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