My One Word: FINISH
I am one of the best starters you’ll ever meet. I pour hours of time and preparation into planning everything. Events, daily schedules, lesson plans, how to get everything and anything done.
I am a list maker. I make lists about lists.
I can motivate and encourage other people to get involved, get on board, and buy in to the plan. I can build the dream of one into a team of 30 pretty quickly. I breathe energy and life into the plan.
Kickoff events are amazing for me.
Painting my bedroom walls? I tested that new color out with gusto and excitement! Watching paint dry was FUN! Seven months later one and one-thirds of my bedroom walls are gray. The rest of them ore still half orange and half dark leather treatment.
Kitchen cabinets? Also still two colors. Years later.
The extra room I started cleaning out to make the music studio? Still has boxes labeled “TRASH” that need to be hauled out, “DONATE” that need to go, and has yet again been filled full with new stuff that we just don’t know what to do with. Not that I ever finished going through the old stuff.
Ministry plans? Same way. Job dreams? Same way. Hobbies? Same way.
I am an amazing starter. I need to become a finisher. So, that’s my focus for 2015. I must be faithful with what I have before God can trust me with anymore.