My One Word: Healthy
I will be turning 40 Years Old on April 8th this year. I can honestly say this is probably the most unhealthy my body has ever been. I know that it will only get worse from here if I don’t do something this year!! I saw the struggles that my Mom encountered in her life with health issue after health issue. I am already starting to experience some of them. I don’t want that for my life!! Not to mention…i have a Loving Husband who I want to remain attractive for him and I have a 3 1/2 year old son who I want to set a good example for. So, that when he gets older and into sports I can keep up with him. We can work out together. I want to be there for him for a long long time!! Psalm 73:4 New International Version (NIV) says, “They have no struggles; their bodies are healthy and strong. I know that having a healthy body will also pave the way for a healthy mind. A healthy body and mind can lead to spiritual health, family health, financial health and much more!! So my One Word this year is Healthy!!