My One Word: SHAPE
I have chosen the word SHAPE. As I examined my life, I discovered some areas that simply need to be whipped into SHAPE. I have clear direction and so I need to order my life to do them.
But, my word is not just about a tenacious discipline, it is about surrender. As I was thinking about the word, “SHAPE”, I was reminded of the metaphor of the potter and the clay found in the book of Jeremiah.
Jeremiah 18:4
But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.
As I reflected on this passage, I found that this isn’t just a matter of my life being molded by the hands of the potter (although that is critical). But the potter’s wheel is a place of trust and contentment knowing that He will shape my life as it seems best to Him- and not necessarily what seems best to me.
So my word helps me maintain a posture of aggressive submission- working to bring shape to my life’s work, while remaining submissive to His.