My One Word: Panorama
My word is panorama. The other day I understood that I don’t take time for myself and I don’t know what I want. I am too occupied focusing on others that I don’t really focus on myself. Panorama means a complete view of an area in every direction. I want to look at the complete view of my life. I have had some things occur in my life that I have not honestly dealt with or I have kept it inside. People say time heals, but time does not heal and I realized that just recently. Time just fogs your memory and you don’t really deal with things, so I want to deal with those things. I don’t know what my future looks like, I don’t know if I want to go to college, what I would even go to college for, if I am going to dive right into the workforce, or if I am going to do something else. I don’t want to become self-centered; that is not the point of this. I simply want to evaluate my life and understand who I am. I want to take a panorama of my life and look at it. Then improve everything I don’t love and take another panorama. Panorama!