My One Word: Individualistic
I chose individualistic because I realized that when you focus on yourself you tend to think more about what you have to do to be where you want to be. This word helped me throughout the first semester because it helped me understand that you always have to do things for yourself and see how they are going to benefit you. It also allowed me to understand that sometimes you have to stand on your own two feet and try new things by yourself to have your own judgment on it. Many of my strength that helped me throughout the first semester would be the choices I made which consisted of me staying home and studying rather than going out with friends. Some of my weaknesses, however, were that I still somewhat cared about others comments telling me how I never went out or made fun of me cause I cared more about school. I am going to keep this word for the second semester because it has helped me stay on top of school and it also helped me realize who my real friends were because normally I didn´t have conversations about my goals for after high school like I was able to with the other friends I had.