My One Word: LOVE
God actually chose my word (LOVE) for me, after I read an article about the “My One Word” organization. At first I was thinking “No” this is not my word, because I am loving, kind, caring and so forth. But God revealed to me that His love is also discipline, and that His discipline is love. So I said, “OK, God I see.”
God wants me to learn each aspect of what love is in every type of circumstance that arises in my life…through the good & the bad times, over the mountains and down in the valleys (I thought I did, but apparently not). It’s easy to love when everything is smooth sailing, but when the tide begins to rise your being tossed to and fro, and your love is not being reciprocated it becomes difficult. So God wants me to love those that hurt me with all of my heart, just as much as I love those that haven’t hurt me…..and that takes much, much, much discipline. I can do it; pray for me! Philippians 4:13