My One Word: Happy
Several years ago my sister challenged me to find a specific scripture verse that I could memorize and hold onto throughout the year. “My” verse would be able to encourage me, challenge me, speak truth to me, and provide an anchor in the midst of all circumstances. Again this year, my sister not only challenged me to find a verse, but also a “word” that I could use for similar purposes. My 2013 verse is found in Psalm 105:4 and the Message’s version immediately states to “Live a Happy Life!” This morning, my cousing posted a statement that also included the choice or decision to choose “happiness.” Thus, confirming my word as being “Happy.” If I am to be salt and light to the world, I want to choose to be happy–despite the circumstances that I may encounter. My circumstances may not be “happy,” but I can rejoice and be happy in the midst knowing that God is going to fulfill His purposes in my life.