My One Word: ELEVATE
There are a lot of things I appreciate in life. However, I often become blind to the little things that are going on around me in the present moment. I’m always too concerned of what I am going to do next. Last year’s word PRESENCE helped me enjoy the current moment. For this year, ELEVATE is my way of ensuring I see good and progress in every moment of every day, no matter how small. It is a reminder that the mundane, rut-like tasks I do on a daily basis are still elevating me to where I want to be. Even mistakes can elevate us-they show us what not to do or who not to become. My one word also allows me to glimpse into the future to determine how I want to continue to elevate myself, every day for the next year! (A big thank you to Kenny Chesney’s “Rich & Miserable” video, which inspired this year’s word! Check it out!)