My One Word: Slow
I bought My One Word last year to start off the new year right. I read half of the book and gave up. I couldn’t seem to just pick a word. Well 2014 came fast and here I was again reading the book over. This time I found Slow.
James 1:19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry
I am a stress ball and an angry one at that. When I get stressed the next step is to get angry about how I’m stressed. This has been taking a tole on my marriage. Thankfully my husband is the most patient man ever but that doesn’t give me the right to treat him the way I do. Slow will constantly remind me to slow down, breath, think, relax, and trust in God to help me get through any situation. I think my husband will be happy to see my new slow attitude.