My One Word: Relinquish
I chose the word Relinquish because I have a tendency to worry about EVERYTING! I worry about things in my control, things out of my control, and things not worth worrying about. Worry creates a lot of unrest in my spirit, and it tends to make me uptight and not very joyful. I want this year to be a year of relinquishing. Relinquishing control to the ONE who holds ALL things in hands. The ONE who knew ALL of my days before I ever lived a single one. The ONE who knows the beginning from the end and everything in between. I know WHOSE I am and it is time for me to let go with abandon and relinquish my life into His hands. Today with God’s help I will begin to yield, surrender, release, give up, let go, lay down and RELINQUISH MY LIFE TO HIM!