Possibilities Abound – Start Here

Possibility is such a huge word. It feels limitless.Как устроить газон на даче

We love that feeling. It can awaken our imagination. But it can also overwhelm the logical side of our brains.

It’s the logical side that feels responsible, limited by circumstance and bound by obligations and commitments. It’s also the logical side that feels trapped by the subtle fear that we can’t do it.

It worries that we’ll never change—that possibility is simply an imaginary playground.

When we start feeling this way (and most of us do about ten days into any declaration to change) we either give up or remain paralyzed by our inability to produce what we wanted.

Realizing this, I decided several years ago to scrap my long list of possibilities and promises to change, and focus on just one thing. I chose one word to be my singular focus for the entire year.

I also decided that if God is faithful to complete the work He has begun in me, as Philippians 1:6 promises, I could stop trying to do it all by myself. And instead, position myself for Him to do the work in me.

I would keep my eye and prayers on the target, and I’d put forth effort in this one area, but I would let the responsibility for change rest upon God’s capable shoulders.

What happened? I saw results.

You can too. Here’s where you start.


The many possibilities of what to do, what to work on, are a distraction—a barrier even—to what is possible. So decide to do something about one thing this year instead of nothing about everything. Choose one word to be your focus and post it here on this website.

It may seem that by narrowing your possibilities you are narrowing your potential. But you are not; you are strengthening your potential.

Read some of the My One Word testimonies on this site, or even better, pick up a copy of My One Word: Change Your Life with Just One Word and you’ll see how true that is.


People tend to think that focus is just something you have, or you don’t. It is not!

What I discovered is that I thought I couldn’t focus, so I didn’t focus. In doing My One Word, I found that I absolutely can focus—and see results. Focus wasn’t something I had or didn’t have, it was something I did or didn’t do.

The same is true of you.

By picking one word—one target—and sticking with it for an entire year, I enabled myself to focus.  My One Word provided my creative brain a way to zero in on one thing, while freeing my logical brain from worrying about everything else.

When you post your one word here—under Pick Your Word, then Share Your Word—you’ll have the option to sign up for a monthly eLetter from us. It’s a regular reminder to focus on your one word, along with some direction and strategies for doing so.

Sign up for that. We want to help you focus this year, and see results.

In essence, My One Word provides a lens through which to see your days, a lens that allows you to focus on what is promised: that God will complete the work He begins.

It will usher you through the delightful mental playground of possibility, and help you pick a ride.

We invite you to look around this site, read the book, and join us in the My One Word movement. As you do, we trust you too will find that change is possible, but focus is required.

Sincerely – Mike Ashcraft and Rachel Olsen

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  1. […] Possibilities Abound, Start Here (MyOneWord.org) […]