Remaining Hope-fueled


Are you optimistic that you will see change in your life via your one word project?


Here is why you want to remain optimistic …

In Martin Seligman’s twenty-two year study at the University of Pennsylvania, summarized in his book Learned Optimism, he determined that optimism is the most important quality you can develop for personal and professional success and happiness.

Optimistic people, he found, are more effective in almost every area of life.

Why? Because they approach the world with gratitude and hope rather than fear and regret.

Another word for “optimistic” is “hopeful.”

Optimists have four behaviors that lend them the advantage. All four can be learned through conscious practice and repetition.


1)  Optimists look for the good in every situation. They always find blessings for which to be grateful. This isn’t a ridiculous Pollyanna thinking.  It’s a strong focus on gratitude regardless of how bleak something looks.

We can always be grateful for the gospel, and the fact that love {eventually} always wins out.

2) Optimists seek a valuable lesson in every setback. They’re thankful even for hardships, interpreting difficulty as instruction rather than obstruction.  Each failure was vital information in what won’t work. They believe hardships make us stronger for what we’ll face ahead.

3) Optimists look for a solution to the problem. Instead of blaming or complaining when things go wrong, they take action with the intention of improving the situation. In other words, they don’t respond with feelings of hopelessness, powerlessness and paralysis. Instead they ask questions such as:

  • What’s the solution? Or at least “a” solution?
  • What can we do now from right where we’re at?
  • What’s my next right step?”

4) Optimists think and talk continually about their goals. Ever hopeful tomorrow will be better than today, they are more future-oriented than backward-looking. With a forward-focused mindset, they have the ability to delay gratification or to withstand set-backs today in pursuit of their ultimate goal.


Which of these behaviors of optimism come easily to you? Which one might you work on developing this month?

Take some time to follow the hyperlink in this word “HOPE” and read what the Bible teaches about hope.